We are a Family of fourth-generation sugar makers from the northeast kingdom of Vermont. It takes a village to run our company and we all have a special connection with sugaring and making maple syrup. We are excited to share our family and our generational traditions with you.

Maple sugaring started in the 1940s with Earl and Rose Baird using about 100 wooden buckets and hand drilling the taps into the trees in West Burke, VT. Collecting the sap from the buckets was done by horse and sleigh with the help of the family, but mostly the children to gather the buckets and bring them to the sleigh. Memories of boiling with family parties that included sugar on snow, and the famous “Grammie” donuts with a dill pickle are still talked about today.

Passing through to the 1970’s Pearl and Everett Baird of West Burke, VT was the second generation of sugarmakers who expanded the sugar woods to 800+ trees using gas-powered tappers (basically a weedwhacker motor with a drill bit on the end) and buckets. 
They made the switch from horses to a bulldozer with a wagon but did keep the tradition of the family children to ride in on the wagon and used to collect the buckets from the trees. Family records indicate that a gallon of syrup was sold for about $11 per gallon.

Through the 1980s Janice and Douglas Solinsky became the third generation of sugar makers. Expanding again to 2000+ trees still using the gas-powered tappers and buckets. The collection was done with a pickup that was loaded with a tank. At this time, family and friends often helped gather buckets which would often take them the entire day. The sugarhouse consisted of a tin roof, pine boards, and a dirt floor. The sugar houses were often located just outside of the sugar woods and were not modernized for the time.


Fancy some delicious 100% Maple Syrup or even some Maple Jelly to put on your toast? 

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Have any questions? We are always open to talk and to help you on your search for your Liquid Gold.
